AODA’s Solitary Grove Opening and Closing

The following is the Solitary Grove Opening and Closing used for AODA rituals.  Small groups can adapt this ritual for several people by splitting up parts.  Larger groups can use the group ritual forms found in the Druid Grove Handbook.  This ritual was written by John Michael Greer with outdoor adaptations by Dana O’Driscoll.


Altar Setup and Elements: Before beginning a ceremony, put the altar cloth and any decorations on the altar that you wish, and arrange the four cauldrons representing the four elements.  Earth will be in the north (sand, salt, or soil); Air in the east (incense, or if that’s not possible, a bowl with a feather); Fire in the south (a candle); and Water in the west (a bowl of water).

If you are outside, you can use natural features present on the landscape to represent the four elements. The intent is to connect with each of the elements. If you are using the elements as present in nature, each time a tool is mentioned (e.g. light the incense and candle) simply focus on that element in the landscape for a brief moment. We have also provided alternative instructions for outdoor ritual throughout this guide.

The Sphere of Protection: The Sphere of Protection, AODA’s core ritual, is used as the second part of the Solitary Grove opening.  For instructions on how to perform the Sphere of Protection ritual, please see this link.

Optional Sword for Beginning and End: For invoking peace in the quarters: the most traditional version of this ceremony uses a grove sword.  You do not need to use a grove sword, but the following are directions for doing so:  When proclaiming peace in the quarters at the beginning of the ceremony, take the sword from its place, still sheathed, and circle around to the east. Face outward and raise the sword in its sheath, holding it horizontally at head level, right hand on hilt, left on sheath. Draw the sword partway from the sheath so that half the blade is visible, then push the sword back into the sheath at each of the quarters and say, “I proclaim peace in the east/west/south/north” and then sheath the sword. Move to the next quarter, unsheathe partway, speak the words, and sheath again.

Conventions: All italics in this ceremony are for physical directions.  Normal text indicates speaking parts.

The Solitary Grove Opening

To Begin the Ceremony:  If indoors, light the incense and the candle, and then go to the edge of the area where you’ll be performing the ceremony.  If outdoors, take a few minutes to take in the scenery.  For either indoors or outdoors, take a few moments to clear your mind of unrelated thoughts and feelings. You might also choose to use a singing bowl, bell or another instrument to play a few notes to help you clear.

Entering the Grove: When you are ready to begin, enter the circle through the eastern gate (or whichever your degree entitles you to use), then go around to the north side of the altar, where you face south.  Raise your right-hand palm forward to salute the Spiritual Sun, which is always symbolically at high noon in the southern sky, and say:)

Let the powers be attentive as I am about to open a Grove of Druids in this place.

Declaring Peace:

The first duty of Druids assembled in the Sacred Grove is to proclaim peace to the four quarters of the world, for without peace our work cannot proceed.

(Raise your hand in the east, facing outward toward the east and say):

I proclaim peace in the east.

(Pause, feeling peace radiating within and without.  Lower your hand and proceed to the south, where you repeat the same process, saying:)

I proclaim peace in the south.

(Proceed to the west, and do the same thing, saying:)

I proclaim peace in the west.

(Proceed to the north and do the same thing, saying:)

I proclaim peace in the north.

(Advance to the north side of the altar, facing south across it.  Say:)

The four quarters are at peace and the work of the grove may proceed.

Purifying the Grove with the Elements

Let this grove and all within it be purified with air.

(Go to the eastern side of the altar, pick up the cauldron with the incense, and carry it to the eastern edge of the space.  Pause there, holding the cauldron out as though offering the incense, and then walk in a clockwise circle once around the outer edge of the space, tracing a circle around the grove with the cauldron.  When you’ve come back around to the east, return the cauldron to the altar.

(While you do this, visualize the following. When you hold the cauldron as though offering the incense, imagine a current of yellow light streaming in from the east and forming a sphere of yellow light around the cauldron.  As you carry the cauldron around the grove, imagine the cauldron tracing a line of yellow light in a circle around the outside of the grove. When you carry the cauldron back to the altar, see it trace a line of yellow light in from the edge to the altar, and see the sphere of yellow light remaining with the cauldron on the altar.

(If you are doing this in a natural setting, instead, observe in the four directions around you, starting in the east.  Look at how the air manifests in the surrounding landscape.  Feel it on your skin.  Feel the element of air coming into your sacred space, see it tracing a line of yellow light around your space and then, from the east, into the center of your space..)

(When you have finished, say:) 

Let this Grove and all within it be purified with fire.

(Go to the southern side of the altar, pick up the cauldron with the flame, and carry it to the southern edge of the space.  Pause there, holding the cauldron out as though offering the flame, and then walk in a clockwise circle once around the outer edge of the space, tracing a circle around the grove with the cauldron.  When you’ve come back around to the south, return the cauldron to the altar. 

(While you do this, visualize the following. When you hold the cauldron as though offering the fire, imagine a current of red light streaming in from the south and forming a sphere of red light around the cauldron.  As you carry the cauldron around the grove, imagine the cauldron tracing a line of red light in a circle around the outside of the grove. When you carry the cauldron back to the altar, see it trace a line of red light in from the edge to the altar, and see the sphere of red light remaining with the cauldron on the altar.

(If you are doing this in a natural setting, instead, observe the role of the element of fire in the four directions around you, starting in the south.  Look at how the element of fire manifests in the surrounding landscape.  Feel the warmth on your skin, feel the heat of the sun.  Feel the element of fire coming into your sacred space, see it tracing a line of red light around your space and then, from the south, see it tracing a line of red light into the center of your space.)

(When you have finished, say:)

Let this Grove and all within it be purified with water.

(Go to the western side of the altar, pick up the cauldron with the water, and carry it to the western edge of the space. Pause there, holding the cauldron out as though offering the water, and then walk in a clockwise circle once around the outer edge of the space, tracing a circle around the grove with the cauldron. When you’ve come back around to the west, return the cauldron to the altar.

(While you do this, visualize the following. When you hold the cauldron as though offering the water, imagine a current of blue light streaming in from the west and forming a sphere of blue light around the cauldron.  As you carry the cauldron around the grove, imagine the cauldron tracing a line of blue light in a circle around the outside of the grove. When you carry the cauldron back to the altar, see it trace a line of blue light in from the edge to the altar, and see the sphere of blue light remaining with the cauldron on the altar.

(If you are doing this in a natural setting, instead, observe the role of the element of water in the four directions around you, starting in the west.  Look at how the element of water manifests in the surrounding landscape.  Feel the moisture of the water on your skin, hear the nearby sound of the stream.  Feel the element of water coming into your sacred space, see it tracing a line of blue light around your space and then, from the west, see it tracing a line of blue light into the center of your space.)

(When you have finished, say:)

Let this Grove and all within it be purified with earth.

(Go to the northern side of the altar, pick up the cauldron with the salt, and carry it to the northern edge of the space.  Pause there, holding the cauldron out as though offering the salt, and then walk in a clockwise circle once around the outer edge of the space, tracing a circle around the grove with the cauldron from north to north.  When you’ve come back around to the north, return the cauldron to the altar.

(While you do this, visualize the following. When you hold the cauldron as though offering the salt, imagine a current of green light streaming in from the north and forming a sphere of green light around the cauldron.  As you carry the cauldron around the grove, imagine the cauldron tracing a line of green light in a circle around the outside of the grove. When you carry the cauldron back to the altar, see it trace a line of green light in from the edge to the altar, and see the sphere of green light remaining with the cauldron on the altar.

(If you are doing this in a natural setting, instead, observe the role of the element of earth in the four directions around you, starting in the north.  Look at how the element of earth manifests in the surrounding landscape.  Feel the solidity of the land beneath your feet, see the mountains in the distance on the horizon.  Feel the element of earth coming into your sacred space, see it tracing a line of green light around your space and then, from the north, tracing a line of green light into the center of your space.) 

(When you have finished, say:)

Invoking the Holy Powers through the Druid’s Prayer

I invoke the blessing of the holy powers with the words that have been the bond among all Druids:

Grant, O holy ones, thy protection;

And in protection, strength;

And in strength, understanding;

And in understanding, knowledge;

And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;

And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;

And in that love, the love of all existences;

And in the love of all existences, the love of Earth our mother and all goodness.

(When you’ve finished the druid’s prayer, chant the word Awen three times; with each chant intone it. Draw the word out into its three syllables – Ah-Oh-En – and let it resonate throughout your body and the Grove. 



Then perform the complete Sphere of Protection ceremony to complete the opening of the grove.

When this is finished go to the chair in the north and take your seat and/or engage in whatever other parts of ritual, meditation, etc, that you choose. This completes the opening ceremony.

Solitary Grove Closing

(When the work of the Grove is completed, sit down in the chair in the north and let your mind return to stillness. When you’re ready, rise and go to the north side of the altar, facing south across it.  Say:

Let the powers be attentive as I am about to close a grove of Druids in this place.

(Go to the eastern side of the altar.  Take the cauldron with the incense to the east, and hold it outward as though offering the incense, as in the opening. Say:)

Releasing the Elements

With thanks I release the powers of air to their rightful places. May peace prevail in the east.

(As you say this, imagine the yellow light that surrounds the cauldron flowing back to its sources in the east.  When this is finished, return the cauldron to its place on the altar, and go to the southern side of the altar. )

(Alternatively, if you are outside, imagine the energies of air leaving the center of your grove and flowing back to their sources in the east.)

(Take the cauldron with the flame to the south, and hold it outward as though offering the flame, as in the opening. Say:)

With thanks I release the powers of fire to their rightful places. May peace prevail in the south.

(As you say this, imagine the red light that surrounds the cauldron flowing back to its sources in the south. )

(Alternatively, if you are outside, imagine the energies of fire leaving the center of your grove and flowing back to their sources in the south.)

When this is finished, return the cauldron to its place on the altar, and go to the western side of the altar.  Take the cauldron with the water to the west, and hold it outward as though offering the water, as in the opening. Say:)

With thanks I release the powers of water to their rightful places. May peace prevail in the west.

(As you say this, imagine the blue light that surrounds the cauldron flowing back to its sources in the west. )

(Alternatively, if you are outside, imagine the energies of water leaving the center of your grove and flowing back to their sources in the west.)

(When this is finished, return the cauldron to its place on the altar, and go to the northern side of the altar.  Take the cauldron with the salt to the north, and hold it outward as though offering the salt, as in the opening. Say:)

With thanks I release the powers of earth to their rightful places. May peace prevail in the north.

(As you say this, imagine the green light that surrounds the cauldron flowing back to its sources in the north. 

(Alternatively, if you are outside, imagine the energies of earth leaving the center of your grove and flowing back to their sources in the north.)

When this is finished, return the cauldron to its place on the altar, and remain at the northern side of the altar, facing south. Say:)

Peace prevails in the four quarters and throughout the grove.

Returning Power to the Land

Let any power remaining from this working be returned to the Earth for her blessing.

(Any grove working leaves some energy behind it, and this can usually be sensed as a mood, a feeling, or a subtle sense of presence in the space.  Imagine this flowing inward toward the altar, down through it to the earth, and then down to the earth’s center.  Keep concentrating on this until the grove space feels clear of any leftover energy and you feel that this work is done. Then say:)

Invoking the Sword of  Swords

I now invoke the Sword of Swords.

(If you have a sword, draw it and hold it high with the hilt up and the point down. If you don’t have one, visualize a great medieval sword in that position, hovering in the air before you, and raise your hand in salute.  Say the following incantation:)

From the rising Sun, three rays of light;

From the living Earth, three stones of witness;

From the eye and the mind and the hand of wisdom, three rowan staves of all knowledge.

From the fire of the Sun, the forge;

From the bones of the Earth, the steel;

From the hand of the wise, the making:

From these, Excalibur.

By the Sword of Swords, I pledge my faithful service to the living Earth, our home and mother.

(Chant the word Awen once:)


(As you chant the word, imagine the sword—whether physical or imagined—dissolving into pure light, which draws together into the image of the Sun, standing at the zenith in the south. Lower the sword, sheath it, and put it back in its place, or lower your hand, and leave the altar; walk in a clockwise circle around the grove to whichever gate your degree entitles you to use, and exit the grove.  This concludes the closing ceremony.)