We would like to welcome you to join any of our fall 2020 workshops . We will continue with our open calls for Candidates and Apprentices and will also do themed workshops on two topics. All workshops take place via Zoom (login details below).
Quarterly AODA Candidate Call – Wednesday, October 14th from 8:30 – 10pm EST
with Dana O’Driscoll, Grand Archdruid
All members of AODA are welcome to join the candidate call. Dana will demonstrate the AODA grove opening and closing rituals (like she did in the last call) and we’ll spend time talking about how to establish a basic daily practice and some of the challenges and considerations for establishing daily practices. We’ll also have an opportunity for open questions from candidates.
Quarterly Apprentice Call – Wednesday November 18, 8:30-10pm Eastern time.
With Claire Schosser, Archdruid of Water
Claire will be leading us in a fall Apprentice call. Apprentices, Companions, and Adepts are all welcome to participate in the call.
Land Healing as a Spiritual Practice – Wednesday, November 4th, 8:30-10:00pm EST
With Dana O’Driscoll, Grand Archdruid
All AODA members and friends of the order are welcome to join this call. In this call, we’ll be talking about land healing as a spiritual practice and discuss an overall framework for energetic land healing. Learn how the AODA’s seven element system and working with invocations of the lunar current can be used for energetic land healing and bringing light into dark places. This is the first of a two-part series (the second part will take place in early 2021 and focus on how to work with damaged sites like fracking wells and oil spills).
Ogham Enchantment, Wednesday, December 2nd, 8:30 – 10:00pm EST
With Robert Pacitti, Grand Pendragon
Join us as we explore the magic of Ogham as a powerful tool of enchantment and connection. This workshop does not focus on Ogham as a method of divination, but explores how we can focus our relationship with these symbols and their associated trees in to a framework for bringing magic in to our lives. All AODA members and friends of the AODA are welcome to attend.
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