The system of Druid training offered by AODA has important features in common with study programs operated by several other Druid organizations. The presence of common themes and interests through much of the modern Druid movement makes such parallels as inevitable as they are welcome. Since AODA’s focus is on the development of a personal path of Druid nature spirituality by each member, AODA’s Grand Grove has chosen to recognize work done in comparable study programs as an equivalent of work done in the AODA system of training for our first degree. Higher degrees and work in the AODA is, however, unique to AODA and cannot be transferred.
Any member of AODA who completes a training program in another Druid order or organization that covers essentially the same ground as AODA’s First Degree program may petition to receive the First Degree from AODA on that basis. To qualify as an equivalent to the First Degree, a Druid training program must include at least the following features:
- A time frame of one year or longer to complete;
- Study of Druid myth, symbolism and philosophy;
- Instruction in meditation;
- The celebration of the seasons through ceremonies;
- Practical activities for living more lightly on the Earth.
Any program approved for First Degree transfer credit for one member may be used thereafter by any other member of AODA for transfer credit on submission of appropriate proof of completion. The regular initiation fee for the First Degree must be paid by members receiving the degree through transfer credit.
Currently approved programs that can be used for First Degree transfer credit include the Bardic Grade of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD) and the Dedicant program of Ar nDraiocht Fein (ADF).
Other life experiences and educational programs will be considered on an individual basis. Please feel free to write to the Grand Grove at with your query.